ARK Tycoon

ARK Tycoon
2 years ago | scripts

ARK Tycoon | For This Game

Oct 20, 2021

Roblox Script ARK Tycoon _G.Script_enabled = true local a="AddWood"local b=math.huge;local c="AutoAdd"local d=game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").RemoteEvents.PlayerStatEvent;d:FireServer(a,b,c)wait()while wait()and _G.Script_enabled do pcall(function()for e,f in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace").Boats:GetChildren())do local g=f:FindFirstChild("CurPlayerValue")if g then if tostring(g.Value)==game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name then for e,h in pairs(f:GetDescendants())do if h:IsA("TouchTransmitter")then firetouchinterest(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart,h.Parent,0)firetouchinterest(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart,h.Parent,1)wait()end end end end end end)end +50 epicguardscript

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  • October 20, 2021
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