Lifting Simulator Autofarm | Script 🌋

Lifting Simulator Autofarm | Script 🌋
2 years ago | scripts

Lifting Simulator Auto... | For This Game

Dec 4, 2021

Roblox Script Lifting Simulator Autofarm local name = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Main_Gui.DataMenu_Frame.Muscle.Status.Text local hobbit = tostring(name) local function tpSell() game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =, -53.8498306, 1858.97144, -0.378215998, -7.89655417e-08, 0.925717354, -6.32973212e-08, 1, 5.94409109e-08, -0.925717354, -3.61139243e-08, -0.378215998) wait(.5) game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =, -54.8478699, 1919.43408, 0.121402971, -4.69970622e-08, -0.992603302, 3.73789639e-08, 1, -4.27755431e-08, 0.992603302, -3.19094049e-08, 0.121402971) end while wait(.5) do game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").RemoteEvent:FireServer({"GainMuscle"}) if game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Main_Gui.DataMenu_Frame.Muscle.Status.Text == hobbit then. epicguardscript

Keywords: lifting,lifting simulator,lifting simulator bloodline,lifting simulator boss,lifting simulator god,lifting simulator max size,lifting simulator noob,lifting simulator power,lifting simulator pro,lifting simulator roblox
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  • December 4, 2021
Lifting Simulator Auto...
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Lifting Simulator Autofarm | Script 🌋
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